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Ben Pazolli's Vintage Computer Blog
Tuesday, 10 January 2006
My VZ Data Recorder
Topic: The Origin
I had always thought that the Data Recorder which I had inherited was just a random cheap Data Recorder. Cheap probably, Random not. When searching for C64 Modem information. Something caught my eye, it was the Aquarius logo(left) and in the same image there it was my data recorder(right). The Aquarius had a strange cable for the data recorder, but mine just has a standard 2 mono plug to stereo plug, and it works except it is getting old.

A little bit of information about the Aquarius. It was a commercial flop, it was a Z80 computer, like the VZ200. Had a weird expansion bus. Came with 4KB of RAM, only 1.7KB available to the average user. It was released by Mattel Electronics.

Compared to the VZ200 it was released a year later. Had twice the number of colors. Same speed. More Expansion. Almost a quarter of the memory. For a year later, it was a pretty bad computer, and the amount of memory must of made it almost unusable.

Any comments, send me an email at bpazolli@gmail.com.

Posted by vz200 at 10:28 AM EST

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