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Ben Pazolli's Vintage Computer Blog
Thursday, 19 January 2006
Odd Machine
Topic: Picture System II
I just thought I would make a quick post. I was browsing the Internet, and I was on a very good site, www.atariarchives.org. Anyway, I looked at one book 'Computer Graphics Primer', hoping to find some hints for creating graphics on the C64 or even the VZ200. The book was published in 1979, so it didn't have much of interest. It did have some profiles of old computers, so I had a look. All very interesting, but one system that stood out was one called the Evans & Sutherland Picture System II. According to it, it could display a staggering 4096x4096. It also said that last figure was x64 intensity levels, whatever that means. It also said it could display 5 colors. My modern Toshiba only supports 1600x1200. This could be a misprint, but it seems amazing, if true. The site describes it as follow:
The world's most advanced commercial graphics computer. Allows up to 436 ASCII characters on one line with variable point size from 4 pt to 76 pt.

If anyone can verify this or knows of any old computers with ultra hi resolution graphics, email me at bpazolli@gmail.com.

Posted by vz200 at 9:53 AM EST

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