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Ben Pazolli's Vintage Computer Blog
Wednesday, 11 January 2006
MacWorld 2006
Topic: Death of the PowerBooks
It seems that it is the end of the line for the PowerBook product line. It must be one of the longest apple product lines ever (if not the longest), spanning over 14 years to date. What upsets me is when Steve Jobs says its not about Power anymore and therefore renamed it the MacBook Pro. I interpreted this as meaning it does not have a PowerPC chip so it shouldn't be called a PowerBook. While this is logical, it is not entirely correct, the first PowerBook was the 100 released in October 1991 with a Motorola 68HC000, the first PowerBook with a PowerPC was the 5300, released in August 1995. The first PowerMac did have a PowerPC processor and therefore I would expect it will change its name when an Intel one is released. The PowerBook has a lot of history and has been more or less a stunning success. With the original lately being called the best gadget ever. He also said that he wants every name to have Mac in it, I wonder what the iBook will be called, the "MacBook Home" or something. I also don't like the product line name having two separate words. Those are just my thoughts about the keynote.

This was also posted on the PCI PowerMacs list hosted by LowEndMac at www.lowendmac.com.

If you have any comments, email me at bpazolli@gmail.com.

Posted by vz200 at 12:35 AM EST

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