The VZ200
Assembly Language & Machine Code
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Here I have two documents for you to download that I found very useful when learning machine code for the VZ200. Both contain precious VZ200 and VZ300 specific information.

BASIC to ML: For Loop - A guide to replacing a BASIC For Loop with ML to gain speed. (HTML)
VZ200/300 Assembly Language Programming For Beginners - A guide which is a fairly good introduction to Assembly & Machine code. Also contains, Memory Maps, Opcodes to Machine Code index and System Pointers. (5.85MB - PDF)
Useful Rom Subroutines for Assembly Programming - A list of VZ200 Rom routines for use in programs. Includes a description and example for each one. Include routines such as Keyboard Scanning, Character Output, Message Output, Sound Driver, Printer Driver and many more. (110KB - PDF)

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VZ200 is maintained by me Ben Pazolli in Perth, Western Australia. Please E-Mail me at